Girl Talk - Feed The Animals (2008)
You've heard Plunderphonics played in your local discotheques, but now you can bring all of the fun and excitement right into your own living room with the new Plunderphonics Trivia™: Feed The Animals Edition!!! Here's how to play:
1) Each player gets a notepad and a pencil provided in the game package. Insert the Feed The Animals music CD (also provided in the package) into your media player of choice to begin Round One.
2) The goal of the game is for each player to identify as many of the samples as they can recognize and write on their notepads the name of the recording artist and song title that the sample comes from. Points in Round One are tallied as follows:
One (1) point for correctly identifying the artist only.3) Round One ends at the conclusion of track number five, "Set It Off". Stop the CD and have each player calculate their total (refer to the master list of songs on the album's Wikipedia page. The player with the least amount of points is eliminated (assuming at least two players remain).
Two (2) points for correctly identifying the exact title of the song only.
Three (3) points for correctly identifying both the artist and exact song title.
4) The remaining players may then begin Round Two, which starts off right where the previous round left off and ends at the conclusion of track number ten, "In Step". Points in this round are tallied as follows:
Zero (0) points for correctly identifying the artist only.5) At the conclusion of "In Step", stop the CD. Have each player calculate their total for Round Two only (again, refer to the master list). As at the conclusion of Round One, the player in Round Two with the least amount of points is eliminated (assuming at least two players remain).
One (1) point for correctly identifying the exact title of the song only.
Three (3) points for correctly identifying both the artist and exact song title.
6) Begin the third and Final Round where Round Two left off. The remaining players will listen to each of the remaining songs on the album. Points in the Final Round are tallied as follows:
Zero (0) points for correctly identifying the artist only.7) At the conclusion of the Final Round and the Feed The Animals music CD, each remaining player is to calculate their total for the Final Round. The player with the most amount of total points throughout all three rounds officially earns the title of Plunderphonics Trivia™: Feed The Animals Edition Ultimate Music Snob and is the loser of the game!!!
One (1) point for correctly identifying the exact title of the song only.
Five (5) points for correctly identifying both the artist and exact song title.
The winner? The player eliminated in Round One who didn't have to listen to this annoying, piece of shit album all the way through. Seriously, as "fun" as this experiment is, hearing Vanilla Ice and the Ying Yang Twins at the same time doesn't make for a great listening experience (neither does hearing them individually, for that matter).
Score: 4/10
"Still Here"
"Like This"
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