Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Digital Good Time: "Divinations"

Digital Good Time: "Divinations"

Typically, metal isn't a genre known for it's groundbreaking and innovative music videos. In fact, it's usually the opposite: the videos are often massively cheesy affairs with out of the box special effects filters used with little or no restraint, complete with bad acting by a scantily-clad token hot goth chick(s). For "Divinations", the lead single for Mastodon's upcoming album Crack the Skye (directed by Robert Schober),, they pretty much follow this formula to a T, BUT WITH ADDED YETI! So admittedly, I'm not posting this video for its artistic achievements, but as a Mastodon fan I am anticipating the new album. It'll be interesting to see their progression.

Nearer to the release of the album, I'll prepare a Digital Good Time feature on the man responsible for Crack the Skye's cover art, Paul Romero. Trust me when I say he's one of the best in the business.

Crack the Skye

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