It's been a busy week or so since I started writing on here, so I'm still trying to work out the kinks in my free time, and develop a more streamlined system of reviewing and yadda yadda yadda. It didn't even occur to me until yesterday that I should implement some sort of scoring system, so I went ahead and threw that on. I'm also currently working on getting some sort of Flash-based streaming MP3 player on here, so as to give all zero of the people who are reading this a chance to listen to at least a couple of songs from the albums I review. That should be up pretty soon.
In other news, it's shaping up to be a good Fall when it comes to music. There have been several confirmed releases that I'm looking forward to, and I'm sure there will be more in the near future. But I wanted to take a second to list a few albums that I know about at this time, lest I forget about them somehow:
TV On The Radio - Dear Science (September 23rd; Interscope)
I was one of the five people that thought TVOTR's debut full length, Desperate Youths, Bloodthirsty Babes, was miles ahead of its follow-up, the much lauded Return to Cookie Mountain. Desperate Youth was more experimental whereas I felt the Cookie Mountain had the band sounding a little too comfortable (read: just like everyone else). They're still one of the most talented bands out right now, though, so it'll be interesting to see where they take their sound.
Brightblack Morning Light - Motion to Rejoin (September 23rd; Matador)
I really enjoyed the slow as molasses psychedelic jams on their debut album that you could literally smell the weed smoke permeating from. I wouldn't mind a little more of the same.
Caïna - Temporary Antennae (September 30th; Profound Lore)
Their last album, Mourner, was a real grower, and the first black metal album that really grew to love.
Dungen - 4 (September 30th; Subliminal Sounds)
5th album from the Swedish psychedelic rock band (so what's with the title, I wonder). Given the strange genius of the band's mastermind Gustav Ejstes (according to interviews of guitarist Reine Fiske), I'm not really sure what to expect from this, but I'm sure it'll be interesting.
MF Doom - Operation: Doomsday (October 7th; Metal Face Records)
The eagerly anticipated re-release of Doom's 1999 debut, being released on...what's that? Metal Face Records!? Given how unpredictable and mysterious Doom has been lately, I'm not holding my breath that this will actually see the light of day. But I sure hope it does.
Bohren & der Club of Gore - Dolores (October 21st; Ipecac)
More creepy, dark ambient, experimental doom jazz? I'm down with that.
Should be a good last quarter of 2008...musically, at least.
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